Courses and Workshops

Hello, it is me, the paper artist :) Selfportrait with mole paper work.
Paper Art - A smiling cat on a roof. Paper miniature.

I am available to give 3D Paper Art Courses and Workshops of different duration and level. If you have a creative space, an art school, an activity center… or you know a group, association or collective interested in learning my technique, please contact me to collaborate or be part of your team. Here you can see an example of the kind of courses I teach.

Paper Art is an affordable, comfortable and versatile discipline with amazing results. It only requires a place with a table and chairs, and the desire to have a good time! In addition, it does not demand a big budget and does not cause dirt, noise or other inconveniences.
I use a totally handmade technique that is the result of more than three years of self-taught learning. It is a practically unique method that you will only have the opportunity to learn and develop through my classes.
I have a Degree in Psychology, previous experience teaching and a long working experience in dealing with people.
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